Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day sixty

The beautiful weather gave me spring fever so I started thinking again about my garden and how my front yard really needs improved curb appeal. I spent my creative time sketching out some rudimentary patterns which help determine a layout. They are not even enough to scan and post, but I will work more on it tomorrow and post whatever I come up with. See my mind is still always working creatively even if I'm not focused on bugs.

Obviously this project has morphed a bit. If you like the idea of a 365 day project, I do have another one that I've been doing concurrently. Its at if you're interested. Its not as fun for the viewer/reader as creepy crawlies I know, but I believe it will actually make it to day 366 :)


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bug fifty four


I think my decision is to do a mash-up.  I want to forge on. I like having a daily requirement but I have other things on my plate that also need to get done, discovered or tried.  You'll continue to see bugs, but don't be surprised to see other works of creativity.


Friday, February 24, 2012


Those of you who are attentive will notice that days fifty three and fifty four are conspicuously absent. Unfortunately I've been recovering from a stomach bug which I do not think gets to constitute having "created" a bug for the day. I had anticipated that I might be sick during this 365 day period but my assumption was that I would be sneezing and coughing and would just have to push through if that happened. The fact is that I never expected to be laying on the bathroom floor incapable of standing on my own much less creating more than fever induced delusions. What does this all mean then? This is my project and my rules I suppose and I left them pretty loose so that I could be successful. Nevertheless the essense of this endevour was to create a bug every day for the year. I did not set up this project like Julie Powell where she could take a day off now and again as long as she completed all the recipes in the Art of French Cooking by the deadline.  Basically what I'm saying is that I have failed to complete the mission. Regardless, the project has not been a failure. I've made it nearly two months and have gained some valuable insight and a few new skills.

I think what I will do is take the next 24 hours to decide how I would like to proceed.  I'm just starting to feel a bit like myself again so I will need the time to think clearly and decide. I guess we'll break for a word from our sponsors then. Stay tuned...


Friday, February 17, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day forty four

Love bug card to my husband for Valentine's Day
Making the card

Friday, February 3, 2012


I just changed the setting so guests and registered users alike can make comments. Laugh at me or marvel at my anyone can. Have fun!


Day thirty four

Thursday, February 2, 2012